Residential Bill of Rights (Colorado Senate Bill 38)

The Residential Roofing Bill of Rights or Colorado Senate Bill 38 (SB38) was signed into law on June 6, 2012. This bill outlines measures to protect consumers who engage a roofing contractor for perform roofing services on residential property. As a customer, you have rights! And we want you to know them.

Senate Bill 38:

Requires a written & signed contract between the property owner and the roofing contractor which must include at least the following:

  • scope of work & materials to be provided

  • cost for same based damages known at the time the contract is entered into

  • approximate dates of service

  • roofing contractor’s contact information

  • contractor’s policy regarding cancellation of contract & refund of any deposit including a rescission clause allowing the property owner to rescind the contract for roofing services and obtain a full refund of any deposits within 72 hours after entering the contract.

  • a statement that if they property owner plans to pay for the roofing services through an insurance claim, the contractor cannot pay, waive or rebate the homeowner’s insurance deductible in part of in whole.

  • a statement that the contractor shall hold in trust any payment from the property owner until the contractor has delivered roofing materials to the jobsite or has performed a majority of the roofing work on the property.

  • a statement that the property owner may rescind a contract or services, the payment for which will be made from the proceeds of a property insurance claim, within 72 hours after receiving notice from their insurer that the claim is denied in whole or in part.

Prohibits a roofing contractor from paying, waiving or rebating an insurance deductible for a property owner. (Nor may a contractor advertise or promise to waive, pay, or rebate same.)

Requires a contractor to return any payment or deposit made by the property owner in conjunction with the contract for roofing work within 10 days after rescission of a contract.

Additional information can be found here: